Monday, April 12, 2010

Networking Lunches

Living on the sunshine coast definitely has its advantages and the lifestyle is at the top of that list. Since i have started getting out and about and connecting with like minded business women i have found some amazing people. I am constantly amazed at how we all have to deal with adversity in one way or another so that we can grow if we choose or not.

I have decided to use this blog to introduce some of these people and their stories.

Today i met Angie, an amazing lady with a fabulous story to tell.

"I am a wife, a daughter, a sister and most importantly, a mother of three very special children, aged 21, 18 and 3.

Cancer has killed my mother, a wonderful friend and business partner, and numerous friends and acquaintances. I do not believe nor will I accept that cancer or any other disease is “just one of those things that happens”. To me, prevention makes so much more sense. So many choose the “it won’t happen to me” or “I’ll wait for something to happen then I’ll fix it” path… not me!!

I am passionate about making a difference in people’s lives. I love to educate, make aware, offer solutions; I speak publicly – my special topic? – “Our Kids at Risk – toxins and their effect on our children and their children”. I am not happy that babies and young children are dying of cancer. I am happy that we have freedom of choice and access to information.

My question? How much do you invest in your future health? No health, no future – no future, no wealth… a bit of a different view on life as we are moulded to see but nevertheless it’s true!

What else can I say?… I love life and all it has to offer but I am a catalyst for change towards a sick-free society and healthy planet.

I believe that to live a fulfilled life we need to be open-minded and open-hearted… and that education, experience and tapping into our own universal intelligence are key components…"

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