Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Writing comments on your Facebook Business Page

Before you start writing any comments on your Facebook Business Page,  clarify your thinking. In social media marketing it is important to give your readers a context and a structure which guides them to the conclusion you want them to reach. 

The following three points will help you in the planning process, which is vital to successful writing in the social media marketing world.



Why are you writing this?
Your purpose might be to explain, recommend, persuade, motivate, request, report findings. Would your writing be the same for each purpose?
Understanding your purpose will determine your choices about the structure and format of your comment, and language style.


Who is going to read your document?
In our marketing strategies, we know who our ideal client is, and have developed a mental image to focus our thinking.  The same applies when we write in social media - picture your reader actually reading this document. Think about their needs and what will appeal to them.


We've all developed our elevator pitch or tag line: the same applies to writing within social media. Knowing exactly what your message is for each comment will give you a clear direction, and help you cut out the waffle.

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